Now that I have had a chance to look over 2017 I need to do a little future planning for my goals for 2018 at Proof & Parchment!
I have a whole long laundry list of things to accomplish this year I just need to get my thoughts organized a little better and plan it out so I am set up for success here.
Get Organized
My goals for 2018 at Proof & Parchment definitely include feeling more organized and a big way I plan to accomplish this it to use Trello to keep my work and tasks organized in an intuitive way. I have just completed the Trello for Business course from The Creative Collective and am already loving how it’s fitting in with my business and keeping me organized already. I think this will be a great way to hit my goals for 2018.
If anyone is interested in checking out Trello you can sign up using my referral link here! It’s completely free. As I went through the training I also learned so many ways it can be helpful with just life planning not only a business!
Outside of using Trello to manage my workflow and business I also am creating a consistent work routine in order to be more professional and continue to treat Proof & Parchment as a full time job versus a side gig / hobby.
Lastly I am going to try and batch work all my tasks to help prevent getting easily distracted. For example spend one day blogging, another day designing prints, another day planning my social media posts, and so on. This will be a hard one for me because I like to jump around from task to task but I know I lose productivity when I do that. I will report back with how this goes once I have the structure figured out.
Design Work
One of my major goals for 2018 at Proof & Parchment is to be able to do more of the work I love: designing! (basically the reason I am running P&P) There are a few avenues I plan to pursue In order to accomplish this:
- I would love to bring on more individual client work including branding and website graphics and design. Or even social media content and graphics for clients since I am a big fan of this type of work.
- Continue to design products and custom lines for Etsy, including holiday themes, wedding products, and more!
Also I really really want to add on calligraphy client work, my dream would be to do envelope calligraphy, I just need to work out the logistical details involved with this asap!!!
Content Creation
Outside of designing I want to create additional content that is useful for others and will hopefully bring some joy. The first way I plan to implement this goal is what you are currently ready! Blogging! I have blogged consistently in the past but more in a personal capacity about my everyday life, cooking, trips, etc. Here on Proof & Parchment I want to have the blog be more of a mix of content where I can share my projects, include tutorials, and provide inspiration. I am sure as I continue with blogging it will evolve and any & all feedback is always welcome! The current goal is to blog consistently once a week and go from there. This post is now week 3 for 3 so far woot woot! So far I’ve gone into depth on my logo design process and reviewed 2017 at Proof & Parchment!
Another avenue where I create content for others is through my newsletter which I started last year and definitely plan to continue. Right now it’s once a month with a few other emails sent out in between. Maybe I will increase this at some point, but it feels like a good amount for now especially with adding weekly blogging. Writing has never been my forte but I am working on it! P.S. make sure you’re signed up for my newsletter here!
I am continually thinking and processing how to best “run” my business so I know this will be forever evolving. However I do want to make things more concrete and official this upcoming year. I have a lot of good resources on all the nitty gritty business details that I need to put to better use. Step one though will be making sure my business structure is set up correctly. From here I need to come up with good ways to measure my business successes. More to come on this I’m sure as my goals for 2018 at Proof & Parchment evolve and progress!
Social Media
My goals in 2018 for Proof & Parchment in the social media realm are definitely to keep growing since that is one way to bring in new faces and share my work with others. The main focus for me currently will be expanding my Pinterest reach in order to drive more visitors to my website and Etsy page.
Outside of that I really love using Instagram to share insights into my work and life. I plan to continue to use this platform to grow and hopefully bond with others! I also am going to be doing more of the Instagram Stories since they are becoming more popular than the feed, so look out for more mini videos of me & my work there!
**New Stuff!
The last big thing for 2018 is I really want to offer physical products with my designs on them. I’m looking into a few options on how to make this happen. It probably won’t be immediate as I need to test quality and printing and everything before I sell something with my name on it. But hopefully this can be a fun win for the year.
Wrap Up
So that’s all for now and it looks like 2018 will be a busy year but also fun & productive! If there’s something that stuck out in my goals for 2018 at Proof & Parchment please comment below! Let me know if you have a question about something specific or if there’s one thing that you can’t wait to see or know more about.
I’ll leave you with one final thought that I have been repeating to myself while planning for 2018: be where you are, not where you think you should be.
Thanks for reading!
I love trello but need to delve in to it more to make it really work for me. I have a course I signed up for/bought also for it, so I just need to do it! I love your idea about batch planning for your week to get things done. Excited to see how it goes for you – I have the same issue with getting distracted easily!
Can’t wait to see all you come out with this year!
Yeah Trello has been great in getting organized and trying to stay on track, although I definitely still get distracted while batch working!