It is now national stationery writing month and I love everything about it! The idea of sending letters or greeting cards in the mail is so fun! Plus connecting with people outside of the digital sphere feels so genuine nowadays.
One of my favorite ways to achieve genuine connection with others is by sending greeting cards.
Checking out unique cards at specialty and boutique shops is one of my favorite past times. If given more free time I could spend hours looking at all of the cards with beautiful typography and imagery. And like others (I’m assuming) I have kept so many cards I have received in the past. And I do love taking the time to look back through them periodically.
So with all of this love for #snailmail I have (finally) launch my own greeting cards through my Etsy shop. I can’t wait for there to be a genuine connection through the first batch I am releasing. Plus it was so much fun designing them and coming up with the sayings and colors. They are all completely unique with custom hand lettering and calligraphy done by me. Hopefully I will get a blog post up with the process soon! If you want to see other design process posts check them out here and here.
Enjoy checking out the cards below, I hope you love them and enjoy sending them out to your own family & friends!

My thought is that you can never have too many greeting cards. Which is why I started with well over 40 designs. But the crazy thing is so there are so many more fun things to celebrate that I have yet to make a card for! I hope to keep adding to the collection over time, but wanted to share them here asap since they’re brand new!
Below are a few of the greeting cards in specific collections from the new line. However this does not show all of the cards. So definitely go to the shop here to check them all out!
Celebration Themed

The Essential Greeting Cards

Holiday Themed

Inspirational Themed

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