Joyful Week at P & P no. 11
It’s been a good week getting back into the swing of things plus another holiday/long weekend. It was full of fun things and I have a few extra joyful things to share from the past few days including my new favorite espresso drink and my first Stitch Fix box adventure!
Cappuccino Freddo
I love all things coffee (should be obvious by now) and back in February I was introduced to a new (to me) classic Greek drink called a cappuccino freddo. It’s basically a cold cappuccino consisting of espresso over ice with a thick layer of cold foam on top and you drink it slow so the foam melts into the ice and espresso as you sip it. So now fast forward to summertime here in Budapest and I noticed a new Starbucks sign the other day with that exact drink on it so I knew I had to try it! And it was so good, it did have a little bit too much sugar in it for me so I will have to adjust that the next time I order it, but safe to say I’m obsessed with this drink and will now have to figure out how to recreate it at home!
Stitch Fix
So Disclaimer first: I am NOT a model….but I did receive my first Stitch Fix (referal link) box last week and it was so fun getting clothes picked out for me by a stylist and being completely surprised by everything I received! Overall I loved 4/5 items in my first box, however not sold 100% on the fit of everything yet so still debating which items to keep! The joy of receiving this box and then getting to choose what to keep is so fun and will probably be a reoccurring joy maybe every few months!
Food in Krakow, Poland
My husband and I are definitely trying to fit in a lot of travel while living in Budapest so the past weekend we went on a mini getaway to Krakow, Poland. While a lot of the trip was somber (think war museums & sad history tours), however we did manage to have some fun and eat our way around the city. I would say I lean towards being a foodie and love trying out the local cuisine as much as possible and Krakow did not disappoint. We also found a variety of really good international food too so overall it was a good mix. My favorite thing would have to be the authentic & fresh pierogies soooo good. Luckily we brought some home to enjoy!
What did you end up keeping!? Also all that food looks amazing.
I ended up keeping the two tops and the shorts! Thought hard about the jeans but I’ll wait until I find ones I really really love to keep!