If you’ve read many of my blog posts then you will know I love to talk about Trello and how much I use it. But if you’re still not sure what Trello is all about, here’s the bottom line it’s a basically a task management app. What that really means is it’s an application that can be used to organize and manage tasks for a business. Or in my case you can also use it for everyday life.
To help you understand Trello even more, I’m going to share the top ways that I use Trello in Proof & Parchment and in my everyday life. Maybe this will help you find new ways to use Trello in your own life. If you want to check out Trello, here is my referral link.
In Business
For Proof & Parchment I use Trello every single day to track something or another. But there are a few boards that I use more than others and would probably be lost without them. Since there are a ton of ways to incorporate Trello into a business I’m sharing a list of my boards, which are tailored towards Proof & Parchment but can definitely be used as a jumping off board for other businesses and give ideas for ways to use Trello in the best way possible.
1. Products Board
On my products board I keep track of everything to do with my shop to keep it running smoothly. If you want to learn more about this specific board, I have a whole post here on how I use Trello for Etsy. But here’s a few of the main lists that I track:
- New product ideas
- Shipping information
- Product sales
- Suppliers
- Drop shipping
- Collaborations
- General resources
- Workflows
- Customer responses
- Reviews & testimonials
2. Editorial Calendar
Since I also run a blog on Proof & Parchment (as you’re obviously reading it) I love using Trello to keep track of my editorial calendar and everything that goes with it. I also use the calendar power up on this board so I can visualize when everything is going to be published. Besides that, I keep a running list of any future blog post ideas plus the workflow for each blog post or email I send. Here’s even more information about my blogging workflow here.
3. My Week
This board is my jumping off point for each day. I use it to plan out my week and make my to do lists of what needs to get done. I have recurring tasks on here that I move from day to day as I complete it. Plus I organize my work in batches on this board. If you want to see more about how I batch my work I detail it in my daily grind post.

4. Business Blueprint
This board is basically the main resources for my business. I keep all the important information here. Everything from important resources and workflows to website planning and courses I participate in. I also have plenty of lists that are just links to websites I go to regularly. These lists include future ideas, researching trends, and inspirational websites.
5. Big Picture
This is the last board that I use for Proof & Parchment, however this is not one I use daily but more as a check in like once a month or whenever I feel the need. The main use for this board is for big picture goals, future big ideas, and anything else that’s more overall business related.
Trello For Everyday Life
Since I live in Trello for my business and love how it makes me feel more organized I decided to start using for my personal life too. I recently shared how I use Trello for organizing the holidays in this past post. But check out the Trello boards below to see all the ways that I use it in my personal life.
6. Weekly Planner
I have a weekly planner that I use for my business but I also have one for personal use too. The calendar power up is a great use here so I can keep on top of everything going on. There are a ton of ways to organize your week and I do love paper calendars however sometimes going digital is a little easier. I love being able to quickly do a brain dump at the beginning of the week as individual list items on this board. Once I have all of these items I can then place them throughout the week where they fit best.
7. Home Base
This board is basically the business blueprint board for my family. There are a lot of things you can track on this board, here’s just a few ideas for you:
- Budgeting
- Bucket List
- Vacation planning
- Home or vehicle maintenance
- Family Projects
- Events
- & More!

8. Meal Planning
One of the newer ways I have started using Trello personally is for meal planning. As a family we plan out our meals every week and Trello makes this step even easier. One of the best parts of this board is that I can keep a list of our favorite recipes to go back to easily. I can also keep separate lists of need to try recipes.
9. Holiday Planning
Like I mentioned before I wrote a whole post on how I use Trello for holiday planning here. I love being able to track holiday events, gifts, cards and more. Plus having it in Trello and being able to look at it any time of the year I can update gift ideas even if it’s not the holiday season yet.

10. Health
One other board I recently created and find super helpful is a health related board. I’m just starting to utilize this board and I’m sure there’s plenty of content that can go here and I will add as things come up, but here’s just a few ideas of good lists:
- Favorite healthcare products
- Supplements
- Daily habits tracker
- Medical contacts
- Workout resources
- Gym classes and schedules
I hope one of these boards inspire you to get more organized or maybe check out Trello on your own! Here is my referral link in case you want to try it out, plus it’s totally free
Love this! Can’t wait to use some of these ideas as I deep dive in to trello.